News & Events

14 March 2016
Public Lecture by Dr Mario Baghos On Sunday 13 March 2016, at the invitation of the Revd Dr John El Karaan (former lecturer in Old Testament Studies at St Andrew's), Dr Mario Baghos (Lecturer in Church History) gave a presentation on 'Lenten Insights from the Desert Fathers' at the Antiochian Orthodox Parish of St Nicholas (...
10 March 2016
Guest Lecture by Mr Andrew Mellas At the invitation of Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache, on 9 March 2016 Mr Andrew Mellas, a PhD candidate with the University of Sydney who specialises in the Byzantine experience of the liturgical space, offered a guest lecture for T7383A Later Byzantine Patristic Theology. The lecture, "Eating...
9 March 2016
Thirtieth Anniversary Celebrations The Theological College recently celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its establishment in 1986 with two special events. The first was an official dinner held at the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (College Dean) at the Cyren Restaurant, Darling Harbour, on 28 February, that...
7 March 2016
Talk by Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache On Saturday 5 March 2016, Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache (Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies) offered a talk at the invitation of the Centre for Early Christian Studies, for its 2016 Planning Meeting. The talk was entitled "Introducing the Sydney College of Divinity's Wellbeing Project." The...
7 March 2016
Conference Papers by Faculty Members On Friday 4 March 2016, two members of the Faculty offered papers at the conference Mary at the beginning of the Third Millennium, which was held at the University of Notre Dame (Sydney). More specifically, Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache (Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies) spoke of "The Mystery...
2 March 2016
A Note of Thanks to I.A.P.S. & ANZAMEMS We wish to thank the International Association of Patristic Studies (I.A.P.S.) and the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Inc. (ANZAMEMS) for sharing information on our upcoming Patristic Symposium via their respective websites: http://www.aiep-iaps....
2 March 2016
Public Lecture at St Andrew's by the Very Revd Dr John Behr St Andrew's is delighted to announce that, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (College Dean), the renowned Orthodox scholar, the Very Revd Dr John Behr, will deliver a public lecture at the College on the 30th of June. Father John is the Dean of the prestigious St Vladimir’s...
1 March 2016
2016 Opening Doxology Service On Thursday 18 February 2016, St Andrew’s Theological College commenced its thirty-first academic year with its annual Doxology Service in the College Chapel of St John the Evangelist and Theologian. The service was officiated by the Dean, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, together with the Sub-...
25 February 2016
SCD's Second Wellbeing Conference The Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) organises its second conference on the theme of wellbeing on 22-23 July 2016. The full name of the conference is Justice, Mercy and Social Wellbeing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. It is being convened by Professor James Harrison, SCD's Director of...
24 February 2016
Professor Johannes Zachhuber Will Lecture at St Andrew's St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College proudly announces the visit of noted scholar Professor Johannes Zachhuber from the University of Oxford. With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, Dean of our College, he will lecture for T9610A The Patristic Tradition and Classical...
