Infallibility of the Church

Harkianakis, (Archbishop) StylianosThe Infallibility of the Church in Orthodox Theology. Translated by Philip Kariatlis. Adelaide & Sydney: ATF Press & St Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2008.

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Description: Although several Orthodox theologians have significantly influenced the development of Ecclesiology in the twentieth century, the contribution of (Archbishop) Stylianos Harkianakis remains, without doubt, a landmark in the history of that theological field today. Essentially, the author's consideration of the Church is that it is the most intimate and graced communion not only of human persons but of the entire created cosmos bonded together in a wondrous relationship with the uncreated God. Unconfused and indivisibly united with God, the Church therefore enjoys and rightly proclaims the truth - ie is infallible - for the world's salvation and the glorification of God. Ultimately, Harkianakis' theology of the Church's infallibility, ie its truthfulness, is simply a doxological affirmation of the genuine presence of God among His people and the world at large.

About the Author: Stylianos Harkianakis, Archbishop and Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia, is founding Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology at Saint Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney. He has also been a major Orthodox contributor to modern ecumenical discussions, especially in his capacity as Co-Chair of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches (1980-2003). The author is also a recognised poet with over 37 collections published. Among other distinctions, he has gained the Gottfried von Herder award for his outstanding contribution to European theological and cultural achievements.

It is also available from the website of St Andrew's Press.


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