News & Events

19 September 2024
Conferral of an Ecclesiastical Honorary Doctorate to His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew On Saturday 5th October, St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, with the blessing of our President and Dean His Eminence Archbishop Makarios will hold a service of conferral of an honorary doctorate award upon His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who whill be visiting...
9 September 2024
The Apostle Paul: A Short Course Symposium With the blessing of our College President and Dean, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, St Andrew's recently hosted a Crash Course Symposium on the Apostle Paul, featuring a series of seminars delivered by His Grace Bishop Themistocles of Nicopolis (Patriarchate of Africa; Head of the...
9 September 2024
Visit to St Nectarios Church, Burwood As part of their Formation Program, students of St Andrew’s visited St Nectarios Church, Burwood on Friday, 6th September. The Parish Priest, Fr George Liangas welcomed them and gave a short tour of the historic Church presenting the relics of St Nectarios for veneration. A talk followed on ‘The...
26 August 2024
Residential Formation Program On Friday, 23rd August His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis visited the College and addressed the students as part of their Formation Program. His Grace reflected on the calling to the priesthood and shared many aspects of his own personal journey firstly, as a layman and theology student, then...
12 August 2024
Oxford Patristics Conference Our Faculty Members, Andrew Mellas and Sophia Theodoratos, recently attended and presented papers at the 19th International Conference on Patristic Studies at the University of Oxford (5–9 August 2024). Dr Mellas was part of a session on Monastic and Lay Piety in Greek and Syriac Hymnography, and...
9 August 2024
Residential Formation Program On Friday, 9 August 2024 the Very Rev. Fr Miltiades Chryssavgis, former Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and parish priest of St George Church, Rose Bay, addressed the students as part of their ongoing Formation program. Fr Miltiades reflected on his sixty-seven year priesthood by...
24 July 2024
Public Lecture On Tuesday 23 July 2024, Assoc. Prof. Philip Kariatlis, Sub-Dean of St Andrew’s College gave a talk at the University of New South Wales Sofia Fellowship entitled, ‘The Lives of the Saints: What we learn? Their Relevance for us Today’.
18 July 2024
Public Lecture On Wednesday, 17 July 2024, Assoc. Prof. Philip Kariatlis, Sub-Dean of St Andrew’s Theological College, delivered the second of a series of lectures to a Chinese audience predominantly living within Chinda and intently interested in learning about the Eastern Orthodox tradition. The title of his...
8 July 2024
Conference Presentation Sr Margaret Beirne recently participated in the combined Conference of the Australian Catholic Biblical (ACBA) and Theological (ACTA) Associations in Brisbane, 4-7 July. At the Joint Session, Sr Margaret represented ACBA on a 3-person panel where she spoke on the topic “Acts 15, a Spirit-led model...
24 June 2024
Public Lecture On Monday, 24 June 2024, Fr Anastasios Bozikis, Associate Lecturer in Church History, led a youth group discussion at the Parish of the Archangel Michael at Crows Nest on two significant dialogues entitled: 'Finding True Life: Two Conversations with the Devil.' It compared and contrasted the...
