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Griniezakis, (Archbishop) Makarios. Lord and Master of my Life. Translated by Anna Demetriou & Angeliki Georgiou St Andrew's Orthodox Press, Sydney, 2020. His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia in his illuminating and spiritually edifying book prudently offers “Reflections on Spiritual Alertness.” Just as monks are summoned to prayer by the sound of the talanton, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios prayerfully calls upon the faithful to repentance through his explanation of this truly Orthodox prayer, “the Prayer of Great Lent.” - From the 'Foreword' by His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope. His Eminence Archbishop Makarios (Griniezakis) of Australia was elected as the sixth primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, an eparchy of the Ecumenical Throne, on May 9, 2019, by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. On June 29, 2019, he was enthroned as Archbishop of Australia at the Greek Orthodox cathedral of the Annunciation, Sydney. Among his many Archiepiscopal responsibilities, he is also Dean of St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College... read more
![]() Costache, Doru, Kariatlis, Philip & Baghos, Mario (eds.), Alexandrian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. This volume brings together contributions exploring a range of aspects of the Alexandrian patristic tradition from the second half of the second century to the first half of the fifth century, a tradition whose complex and significant legacy is at times misunderstood and, in some quarters, wholly neglected. Authored by both Australian and international scholars, the fourteen chapters here highlight that, behind the complexity of this tradition, one finds a vibrant Christian spirit—granted, one that has successfully put on the flesh of Hellenistic culture—and a consistent striving towards the reformation and transformation of the human being according to the gospel. Furthermore, this volume contributes a nuanced voice to the scholarly choir which already hums a new song about Christian Alexandria and its representatives. ... read more
![]() Costache, Doru and Kariatlis, Philip (eds.), Cappadocian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal. Sydney: St Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2013. Cappadocian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal reunites twenty-two articles from fourteen scholars, Australian and international. Most of these contributions resulted from papers presented for the annual St Andrew’s Patristic Symposia 2009-2011, on the Cappadocian fathers. The articles, published after peer review, refer to a wide range of topics pertaining to the Cappadocian saints – from their contributions to theology and spirituality, Christian education and exegesis, to their views on the cosmos and history. These contributions are considered through the lens of their respective works, their place within the broader patristic tradition, and in the light of contemporary scholarship ... read more
![]() Harkianakis, (Archbishop) Stylianos. The Infallibility of the Church in Orthodox Theology. Translated by Philip Kariatlis. Adelaide & Sydney: ATF Press & St Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2008. Although several Orthodox theologians have significantly influenced the development of Ecclesiology in the twentieth century, the contribution of (Archbishop) Stylianos Harkianakis remains, without doubt, a landmark in the history of that theological field today. Essentially, the author's consideration of the Church is that it is the most intimate and graced communion not only of human persons but of the entire created cosmos bonded together in a wondrous relationship with the uncreated God. Unconfused and indivisibly united with God, the Church therefore enjoys and rightly proclaims the truth - ie is infallible - for the world's salvation and the glorification of God. Ultimately, Harkianakis' theology of the Church's infallibility, ie its truthfulness, is simply a doxological affirmation of the genuine presence of God among His people and the world at large ... read more
![]() Freeland, Guy. Windows to Orthodoxy. Sydney: St Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2013. Why do Orthodox Christians speak about 'heaven on earth'? How does the Orthodox Church interpret the Bible? What is a Byzantine floor mosaic doing in Canberra? And why would a church contain a labyrinth? Windows to Orthodoxy offers answers to these and other fascinating questions, but in a most distinctive way. Rarely are spiritual topics approached in a matter that is edifying yet, at the same time, easy to follow and entertaining. The breadth of topics covered in this impressive collection of essay's is astounding. The content not only reflects the author's devotion to Orthodoxy as a Faculty member of St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College in Sydney, but also his academic background as a university lecturer in the History and Philosophy of Science. He bridges both worlds superbly well ... read more
![]() Kariatlis, Philip. The Church as Koinonia: Gift and Goal of Communion (Adelaide & Sydney: ATF Press and St Andrew’s Press, 2011) This book innovatively explores the notion of koinonia for understanding the nature and function of the Church. Since the Scriptures assert that the Church is the Church of God, God's communal mode of existence is looked at namely, God who is a communion of three hypostases relating to one another in an interpenetrating koinonia of infinite love as a way of understanding the very being of the church as communion. Such a notion of koinonia, far from having anything to do with socio-political understandings, suggests that it is a foundational gift bestowed from above to the world as the solution par excellence to the impasse of isolationism. More often than not, however, such an ecclesiology of communion has not taken seriously the historical reality of the Church living within the fallen world along with its ceaseless temptations, divisions and even sins in history. In this way, it becomes apparent that a dialectic needs to be acknowledged in the notion of communion as both foundational gift from God, and yet one still to be fully realised. Accordingly, this work shows that the Church is not only as the gift of God's miraculous presence here on earth ... read more