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1. Purpose
This policy document has been created in order to:
2. Scope
This policy applies to all staff, students, families, affiliates, visitors, previous staff and students, and other relevant people, who are currently, or have been previously, under the supervision of the SCD and its Member Institutions.
The policy will apply to:
Clarification:St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College (St Andrew’s), located at 242 Cleveland Street REDFERN NSW 2016, is a Member Institution (MI) of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD).
3. Governance
This policy will be overseen and reviewed by the SCD Council. Member Institutions will be responsible for implementing this policy.
4. Principles
The SCD affirms the following guiding principles:
Given that the SCD operates in the context of Christian faith communities and theological education, the following principles are also affirmed:
5. Definitions
5.1 Inappropriate Behaviour
SCD will deem behaviour as inappropriate, and therefore liable to action in response, where that behaviour:
5.2 Sexual Harassment
According to the Law Council of Australia, “Section 28A of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)defines sexual harassment as when a person makes an unwelcome sexual advance, an unwelcome request for sexual favours, or engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to a person. This occurs in circumstances where it is possible that the person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated. Sexual harassment can be subtle and implicit rather than explicit.” (lawcouncil.asn.au).
The SCD understands sexual harassment as any behaviour directed towards a person that is:
This behaviour includes, but is not restricted to:
SCD also understands that sexual harassment can involve legal considerations under the Sex Discrimination Act, and possibly the sexual assault section of the Crimes Act.
5.3 Sexual assault
According to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, “Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, or if a child or young person under 18 is exposed to sexual activities” (victimsservices.justice.nsw.gov.au).Sexual assault, as set out in the NSW Crimes act 1900 No.40 (legislation.nsw.gov.au), includes sexual intercourse without consent, sexual touching without consent, sexual acts without consent, inflicting or threatening to inflict bodily harm with the intention of having sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse with persons under the age of 16, incest, continuing unlawful sexual relationships, forced self-manipulation, and procurement and grooming (particularly of children) for the purpose of sexual intercourse.
The SCD understands sexual assault as behaviour that involves:
SCD recognizes that sexual assault is action that constitutes a criminal offence and can lead to prosecution and punishment under law.
5.4 Participants
Complainant: the person against whom an action is alleged to have taken place.
Reporter: a person who makes an initial report about an incident, having observed it, or become aware of it, without having been directly involved.
First respondent: the person to whom an initial report is made, for example, a friend, student leader, staff member, legal representative or member of the police. This might or might not be the staff member who is officially responsible for receiving and dealing with such reports.
Alleged offender: the person against whom a report or allegation is made.
6. Policy
7. Procedures
7.1 Student Complaints
1. The student or representative (e.g. first responder) reports the incident to the Student Support Officer.
2. The Student Support Officer gathers relevant information and produces a Sexual Assault and Harassment report, ensuring all key details are included.
3. The Student Support Officer informs the Principal of the Member Institution or the Dean of SCD.
4. Once informed, the Principal or Dean will initiate steps as per the Student Grievance Policy and Procedures.
5. In cases of a criminal nature, the police will be informed as soon as possible.
Clarification:At St Andrew’s, the Student Support Officer is the Very Revd Father Anastasios Bozikis, Faculty Member.
7.2 Staff Complaints
1. The staff member or representative (e.g. first responder) reports the incident to the designated member of staff responsible for dealing with staff complaints.
2. If the initial report is not made to the Principal of the Member Institution, the designated staff member reports the incident to the Principal or the Dean of SCD as appropriate.
3. Once informed, the Principal or Dean will initiate steps as per the SCD’s Code of Conduct, Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure and the individual’s terms of employment.
4. In cases of a potentially criminal nature, the police will be informed as soon as possible.
Clarification:At St Andrew’s, the designated member of staff responsible for dealing with staff complaints is the Sub-Dean, Dr Philip Kariatlis, Academic Director.
7.3 Other Complaints
This procedure deals with complaints made by persons who are neither staff nor students (e.g. family members, visitors, contractors)
1. The complainant or representative (e.g. first respondent, legal representative) reports the incident to the SCD or Member Institution.
2. The matter is referred to the staff member responsible for dealing with such complaints, who gathers all key information.
3. If the incident is not reported to the Principal of the Member Institution or Dean of SCD in the first instance, the designated staff member informs the Principal or Dean as appropriate.
4. Once informed, the Principal or the Dean will initiate steps as relevant to the incident, in line with the relevant grievance policy, or terms of employment.
5. In cases of a criminal nature, the police are informed as soon as possible.
Clarification:At St Andrew’s, the designated member of staff responsible for dealing with such complaints is the Sub-Dean, Dr Philip Kariatlis, Academic Director.
8. Possible Outcomes
Outcomes of individual cases will be determined according to the nature of the case, in line with complaint and grievance policies and procedures.
In general terms, the following outcomes may ensue from an incident.
Inappropriate behaviour: informal warning, guidance or education, interview and reprimand, formal warning letter, counselling and/or mediation, apology to complainant.
Sexual harassment: interview and reprimand, formal warning letter, counselling and/or mediation, suspension or termination of employment or enrolment, report to legal authority with possible legal action.
Sexual assault: report to police with possible criminal prosecution, termination of employment or enrolment.
9. Preventative Measures
In order to ensure that all possible steps are taken to prevent incidents of sexual assault or harassment from occurring, the SCD will:
10. Roles and Responsibilities
10.1 The Sydney College of Divinity
SCD is responsible for
10.2 Member Institutions
Member institutions are responsible for:
10.3 Responsible Staff Members
Staff members who are designated points of contact for receiving complaints, for example, the Student Support Officer, are responsible for
10.4 First Respondents
While first respondents are under no obligation to act on behalf of the complainant, they often do, being the person who either reports the incident, encourages the complainant to report the incident, or provides support to the complainant during the process of reporting and dealing with an incident. First respondents may variously offer:
From the point of view of the SCD, the role of a first respondent is to provide information to assist in the management of the case, or to support the complainant in the process of making a complaint, but not to be actively involved in case management, unless specifically requested by the complainant.
10.5 Complainants
The SCD recognizes that persons who have experienced an incident of sexual assault or harassment will most likely be suffering a degree of emotional distress as a result, and this will impact on their capacity to report and deal with the management of the incident. With that in view, the SCD will expect complainants:
10.6 Alleged offenders
While an alleged offender will not be regarded as guilty of an offence before all the facts of an incident are established, the alleged offenders will still be expected to:
11. Confidentiality
All cases involving reports of inappropriate behaviour, sexual harassment or sexual assault will be treated confidentially, with the following guidelines to apply:
12. Monitoring and Evaluation
12.1 Policy Review
This policy will be periodically reviewed internally and externally, according to standard SCD practice, in line with the requirements of Higher Education and CRICOS standards.
12.2 Reporting
1. Member Institutions will provide to SCD, reports of incidents and their management.
2. The SCD will produce a yearly report, detailing the number of incidents that took place.
12.3 Case evaluation
The SCD may evaluate specific cases of sexual assault or harassment with regard to:
13. Related Documents or Legislation
SCD Documents
1. Code of Conduct
2. Staff Grievance Policy and Procedures
3. Student Grievance Policy and Procedures
4. Critical Incident Policy and Procedures
5. Information regarding safety on campus and help information on college websites, student handbooks and other booklets or pamphlets.
1. Sex Discrimination Act 1984, Section 28a.
2. State Crimes acts.
3. Child Protection legislation.