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On Sunday 16 March, the Sunday of St Gregory Palamas, College Masters student Clovus Haddad was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, in St George Cathedral (Thornbury, VIC). Upon his ordination, he received the name Elian, in honour of the great martyr of Homs, Syria, commemorated on February 6th — a saint of the early Church, renowned for his unwavering faith and the miracles which God wrought through him. In his guiding speech, His Eminence reflected on the life of Saint Elian, describing him as a true disciple who embodied charity, courage amid persecution, and a willingness to suffer for the Gospel. His Eminence encouraged all present to draw inspiration from Saint Elian’s witness and to lead lives of sacrificial love, humility, and service. “Like Saint Elian,” His Eminence reminded the faithful, “we are called to heal the wounds of our neighbours — whether physical or spiritual — and to stand firm amid life’s trials, trusting fully in God’s providence.” Following the sacred service, Deacon Elian offered thanks to a number of clergymen, living and departed. He went on to express sincere appreciation to his parents and family for their enduring love and support, the Antiochian community for their steadfast support throughout his journey and to his wife Juliette, whose devotion and strength have been a constant blessing.