News & Events

15 October 2021
'Themes in Contemporary Theology' Lecture by Revd Chad Hatfield With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, St Andrew’s ‘Themes in Contemporary Theology’ series continued on 15 October with a zoom presentation by the renowned Very Revd Prof. Chad Hatfield, President of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in New York and Professor...
11 October 2021
Guest Lecture by Faculty Member On 9 October Fr Anastasios Bozikis, Associate Lecturer in Church History addressed the Greek Orthodox Christian Society on the topic ‘Kollyva and Communion: An 18th Century Crisis on Mt Athos.’ The talk discussed the Kollyvades Controversy which engulfed the Holy Mountain at that time and its...
8 October 2021
Guest Lecture by Faculty Member On 7 October, at the invitation of college graduate the Very Revd Fr Athanasios Giatsios, Dr Mario Baghos, Lecturer in Patristics and Church History, gave a presentation entitled ‘A Pilgrimage to Constantinople’ for St Catherine’s Youth Fellowship (via Zoom). Click here for the video...
7 October 2021
Guest Lecture by Faculty Member On 6 October, at the invitation of His Grace Bishop-Elect of Kerasounta Evmenios, Dr Mario Baghos, Lecturer in Patristics and Church History, gave a talk on Byzantium for the Archdiocesan District of Northcote, Melbourne’s Mystic Faith Radio hosted by 3XY 1422AM Radio Hellas.
27 September 2021
'Themes in Contemporary Theology' Lecture by Very Revd Prof. Alexis Torrence On 24 September, faculty and students welcomed via Zoom the Very Revd Prof. Alexis Torrance, Archbishop Demetrios Associate Professor of Byzantine Theology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA, for the College’s ongoing series ‘Themes in Contemporary Theology.’ A protopresbyter...
22 September 2021
Peer-Reviewed Article Published by Faculty Member Dr Mario Baghos published an article entitled 'Orthodox Tradition vis-a-vis Historical-Criticism in Representations of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' in volume 65.1-2 of St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. The volume is available for purchase on the SVS Press website here. With...
20 September 2021
'Themes in Contemporary Theology' Lecture by Very Revd Chrysostomos Nassis On 17 September, faculty and students welcomed the Very Revd Protopresbyter Chrysostomos Nassis (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) for the College's ongoing ‘Themes in Contemporary Theology’ series. After an introduction from the Sub-Dean,...
13 September 2021
'Themes in Contemporary Theology' Lecture by Revd Prof. Perry Hamalis On 10 September, for the College’s ongoing ‘Themes in Contemporary Theology’ e-lecture series, Faculty and students welcomed Revd Prof. Dn. Perry Hamalis, Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion at North Central College, Illinois, USA. Fr Perry is also a Deacon of the Orthodox Church...
10 September 2021
Guest Lecture by Faculty Member On 9 September, at the invitation of Dr Bernard Doherty (Course Director of St Mark’s National Theological College, Canberra), Dr Mario Baghos delivered a guest lecture for the former’s ‘World Religions and Christian Theology’ unit entitled ‘Orthodoxy and Other Religions.’
10 September 2021
Public Lecture by Faculty Member On 9 September, Anastasios Kalogerakis, Registrar and Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies, presented an online lecture for the Greek Orthodox Church of St Nectarios in Burwood (NSW) as part of the series ‘Contemporary Saints and Elders.’ His presentation focussed on the life of St Tikhon,...
