Visit to St Nectarios Church, Burwood

Visit to St Nectarios Church, Burwood

As part of their Formation Program, students of St Andrew’s visited St Nectarios Church, Burwood on Friday, 6th September. The Parish Priest, Fr George Liangas welcomed them and gave a short tour of the historic Church presenting the relics of St Nectarios for veneration. A talk followed on ‘The Ministry to Children in the Church’. Fr George, a qualified child psychiatrist, introduced the students to the stages of child physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual development. He offered insights into the place of the priest as a pastor to young people, comparing and contrasting it to the role of a counsellor or psychologist. The presentation concluded with a role play in which the students acted out a pastoral meeting between a priest, parent and child to highlight some of the principles raised during the lecture. Many thanks to Fr George and the Ladies Philoptochos for their wonderful hospitality and an enjoyable day.