News & Events

6 March 2014
2014 Opening Doxology Service On February 27, St Andrew’s Theological College commenced the new academic year with its annual Doxology Service in the College Chapel of St John the Evangelist and Theologian. The service was officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, together with His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias and...
5 March 2014
Obituary Emeritus Professor Markos Orphanos, distinguished scholar of Patristic Theology at the University of Athens, slept in the Lord on December 29th, 2013, and was buried in the city of Kalamata (Greece), not far from his birthplace of Koroni. He completed his first degree at the University of Athens...
18 February 2014
Cappadocian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal Cappadocian Legacy: A Critical Appraisal, the harvest of St Andrew’s Patristic Symposia on Sts Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and Gregory of Nyssa, has just been released. Edited by college faculty members Fr Dr Doru Costache and Dr Philip Kariatlis, the book features...
29 January 2014
Professional Development Seminar for School Teachers and Staff St Andrew’s hosted a professional development day for the teachers and staff of the Greek Orthodox co-education private schools in Sydney: St Spyridon College (Kingsford), All Saints Grammar (Belmore) and St Euphemia College (Bankstown). In front of an audience of around 170 people, the event was...
14 December 2013
Adult Faith Education Open Learning Seminar The Adult Faith Education Open Learning Seminar, 'A Creed to Live By,' took place at the Greek Orthodox Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, Perth, to an appreciative audience of 50 people. Three presentations on the Nicene Creed were delivered by Dr Philip Kariatlis, Anastasios...
2 December 2013
Windows to Orthodoxy eBook now available Dr Guy Freeland's book Windows to Orthodoxy is now available as an eBook for only $5.00. To order, please download the form from the following link on the St Andrew's Orthodox Press website.
26 November 2013
Kogarah Fellowship Lecture The Very Revd Dr Doru Costache offered a three-part lecture for the Fellowship of the Resurrection of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Parish, Kogarah, under the following headings: 'Science and Theology: Patristic Insights' (11 Nov); 'The Worldview of the Fathers and the Cosmological...
21 November 2013
St Andrew's is now on YouTube The St Andrew's YouTube Channel contains snippet videos of various events hosted by the Theological College, including: the 'Windows to Orthodoxy' Book Launch, the Round Table on St Maximus the Confessior featuring Dr Bronwen Neil, FAHA (ACU, Brisbane), Professor Paul...
