News & Events

6 June 2014
Elevation to Archimandrite On Sunday 21 May 2014, College graduate, the Rev. Fr Kosmas Damianides, was elevated to the office of Archimandrite at the Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Perth (WA). This ecclesiastical office was bestowed upon Father Kosmas, on behalf of His Eminence, by His Grace...
28 May 2014
Research Seminar Presentation On Tuesday 27 May 2014, Mr Mario Baghos, Associate Lecturer in Church History, gave a presentation entitled 'Imagines et Axes Mundi: A Diachronic and Cross-Cultural Analysis from Ancient Near Eastern Cultures to the Early Christian Church' at the Research Seminars of the Department of Studies in...
26 May 2014
Christianity and the Arts On Monday 26 May 2014, the Very Revd Dr Doru Costache, Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies, gave the third presentation for the second Christianity and the Arts series held at the Greek Orthodox Parish of the Resurrection of Christ, Kogarah. The presentation was entitled ‘Transcendence: the Recent...
22 May 2014
Phronema, Volume 29:1 (2014) The latest edition of Phronema, volume 29:1 (2014), edited by Prof Angelo Karantonis, has just been released. It includes contributions by Prof Pauline Allen, FAHA, the Very Revd Dr Doru Costache, the Revd A/Prof Bogdan G. Bucur, Mr Andrew Mellas, and Mrs Rebecca Burgess. It also features book...
21 May 2014
Newspaper Publication on St Andrew's On Sunday 13 April 2014, the Philoptochos of the Greek Orthodox Parish of the Resurrection of Christ, Kogarah, hosted a Palm Sunday Luncheon in order to create awareness of and to support St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College. The Very Revd Archimandrite Sophronios Konidaris, himself a...
18 May 2014
Fundraiser On Sunday, the 18th of May, the Philoptochos and Committee of the Greek Orthodox Parish of St Catherine, Mascot, hosted a luncheon in order to create awareness of and to support St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College. His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias, the College’s Sub-Dean and...
15 May 2014
Research Seminar Presentation On Thursday, the 15th of May, the College’s IT & Registry Officer, Mr Chris Baghos, gave a research seminar presentation at the University of Sydney entitled: ‘“Every foreign territory is a homeland for them, every homeland foreign territory...” Examining the Encounters between Christian...
14 May 2014
Guest Lecture On the 14th of May, Dr Guy Freeland offered a guest lecture on St Maximus the Confessor's Mystagogy, for T7382A Early Byzantine Patristic Theology. Here are some remarks from Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache, who extended the invitation, on the event: "Both the students and I have been privileged...
13 May 2014
Christianity and the Arts On the 12th of May, the Very Revd Dr Doru Costache, Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies, gave the first presentation for the second Christianity and the Arts series held at the Greek Orthodox Parish of the Resurrection of Christ, Kogarah. The presentation was entitled ‘Christ is Reason! From the...
12 May 2014
2014 Sydney College of Divinity Graduation Ceremony St Andrew’s took part in the thirtieth graduation ceremony of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) on 10 May. On a beautiful Sydney morning, around 600 people attended the Great Hall of the University of Sydney to celebrate the academic achievements of 172 graduates from the seven member...
