

On Sunday 15 September, the Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross, College alumnus Deacon Ignatius Hanna was ordained to the holy priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, in the Church of St Nicholas (East Melbourne, VIC). In his guiding speech, His Eminence offered a reflection on the gospel’s reading for the day, with a particular focus on denying oneself and following Christ, and the choice the newly ordained priest made to follow Christ, the Master, and to deny oneself and live accordingly. His Eminence spoke of the paradox of the cross which offers pain and love and the joy of the resurrection. His Eminence also encouraged Fr Ignatius to reflect the divine love that Christ offered to all, through a life of service. His Eminence gifted the newly ordained priest a blessing cross and service book. Fr Ignatius and his wife, Khouria Mayssa (also an alumna), are blessed with two daughters.