

On Friday 21 November 2014 (the Synaxis of the Holy Archangels, old calendar) St Andrew's graduate, Hierodeacon Siluan Mrakic (MTh, '14), was ordained to the holy priesthood by His Grace Bishop Milutin of Valjevo (a diocese in western Serbia). The ordination took place at the nunnery of the Holy Archangels in Chelije, which houses the holy relics of the renowned Serbian Theologian, Saint Justin Popovic, who worked and lived there during the communist oppression of the last century. The fact that the ordination took place at Chelije is of particular significance for Hieromonk Siluan, who over the years has developed a special devotion to St Justin. Indeed, in the past Father Siluan has researched various contributions of the great saintly theologian, which resulted in a published volume and a scholarly-reviewed research essay. Furthermore, Fr Siluan currently explores St Justin’s neopatristic legacy as a doctoral candidate under the supervision of Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache. The community of St Andrew’s greets with pride and one voice the ordination of Hieromonk Siluan Mrakic: Axios! Dostojan! Axios!