Adult Faith Education Open Learning

Adult Faith Education Open Learning

On Saturday 27 June 2015, St Andrew's delivered a series of catechetical lectures on the topic 'Being Clothed with Christ' at St John's College, Preston (VIC), as part of its Adult Faith Education Open Learning (offered to the public for the third year in a row). Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache (Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies), Dr Philip Kariatlis (Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology), and Mr Basilios Psilacos (Teacher in Liturgical Studies and Byzantine Music) presented to an audience of 100 people, incl. Their Graces Bishops Ezekiel of Dervis and Iakovos of Miletoupolis.

A special thank you to Their Graces for their participation, Mr Daniel Bellis and Ms Kerrie Neophytou for overseeing administration, and all those who assisted and attended.

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