Christian Worldview: Understanding from St Basil the Great, Doru Costache

Abstract: This article explores a few aspects pertaining to St Basil's contributions to the Christian worldview. Less research in recent times - at least from this viewpoint - Basilian thinking can surprise contemporary readers by its fresh and balanced approach. In fact, it offers solutions to current challenges, such as bridging scientific and theological worldviews, and depicting a universe full of divine presence and meaning. The analysis proceeds by discussing St Basil's contributions to science and theology, then his vision of the cosmos as a theological school, and finally his vision of the world as a synergetic framework where divine and cosmic energies creatively interact.

Bio: Revd Doru Costache received his Doctor of Theology degree from the University of Bucharest, in 2000. He is a presbyter under the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and a Senior Lecturer in Patristics at St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney. His research interests are in traditional/patristic theology, transdisciplinarity and the dialogue of science and theology. He is currently undertaking an interpretation of Genesis 1 within tradition and in light of contemporary challenges.