Phronema Volume 14, 1999

Phronema Volume 14, 1999

Editor, Assoc. Prof. James A. Athanasou

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Editorial 1

Prologue - Audiatur Et Altera Pas, Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis)

Eugnostos The Blessed: A Text Worth Considering, Metropolitan Demetrios Trakatellis
The Nature and Characteristics of Dualism in the Johannine Corpus, Judith M. Lieu 18
Double Reflections: The Community and the Saviour in the Nag Hammadi Writings, Majella Franzmann 29
Dualism and the (LXX) Book of Genesis, Antoinette Collins 45
Gnosticism and the Greek Papyri from Egypt, Alanna Nobbs 53
Book Reviews 60
The College 77
Cumulative Contents 84