Phronema Volume 15, 2000

Phronema Volume 15, 2000

Editor, Assoc. Prof. James A. Athanasou

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Cultural Forum  

Xenos and Philoxenia in Greek Orthodox Tradition, Archbishop Stylianios (Harkianakis)

Strangers' Drawnings: Diaspora Greeks, 1780-1900, George B. Dertilis 15
Foreigners and Nationals in Legal Contexts, Konstantinus D Kerameus 27
Hospitality in the Irish Spiritual Tradition, Avril Keely 43
"For you were Strangers in the Land of Egypt": Caring for the Stranger in Judaism, Fred Morgan 53
Stranger and Hosting from a German-Lutheran Perspective, David Paech 61
What can Participation in Reconciliation between Indigenous and Non-indigenous Help us to See?, Vicki Walker 73
The Holy Spirit and the Stranger within the Gates: Wesleyanism and the Uniting Church in Australia, H'Darcy Wood 77
From East to West: A Conversion Account in Evagrius Scholasticus and Gregory of Tours, Avril Keely 87
Symeon the New Theologian's Vision of the Godhead, Robert Penkett 97
'In Another Form': The Educational Dimension of Orthodox Iconography, Stavros S. Fotiou 115
Book Reviews 129
The College 137