News & Events

29 November 2016
Ordination Recent graduate of the College, Nick Georgiou (BTh, 2016), was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia on Saturday 26 November at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Eustathios, South Melbourne (VIC).
3 November 2016
Upcoming Adult Faith Education Open Learning Seminar On Saturday 5 November, St Andrew's will deliver a series of catechetical lectures on the topic 'The Sacredness of Marriage' at St John's College, Preston (VIC), as part of its Adult Faith Education Open Learning (offered to the public for the fourth year in a row). For more details, see the...
3 November 2016
New YouTube Videos Three new videos have been added to the St Andrew’s YouTube Channel. These videos feature Professor Pauline Allen and Dr Wendy Mayer's (Centre for Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University) keynote presentations at the 2016 Patristic Symposium on St John Chrysostom, as well as the...
4 October 2016
Phronema, Volume 31:2 (2016) now available! The latest edition of Phronema, volume 31:2 (2016), is now available. It features papers from His Holiness Patriarch Irinej (Gavrilovic) of Serbia, Revd Prof. Denis Edwards, Revd Dr John Chryssavgis, Dr Philip Kariatlis, Revd Dr Michael Trainor, Dr Deborah Guess, and Revd Adjunct Prof. Graham...
4 October 2016
Lecture by Associate Professor Mark Reasoner On Wednesday 28 September, the College and Professor James Harrison (Director of Research, Sydney College of Divinity) had the honour of welcoming the biblical scholar, Associate Professor Mark Reasoner (Marian University, Indianapolis, USA), who delivered a lecture for staff and students titled ‘“...
9 August 2016
Ordination of His Grace Bishop Siluan (Mrakic) On Sunday 7 August, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Siluan (Mrakic), was ordained to the holy episcopate by His Beatitude Patriarch Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, and Patriarch of Serbia, with twenty-one concelebrating bishops at the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael...
8 August 2016
New YouTube Video A video of the public lecture ‘The Philosophy of the Greek Church Fathers’ by recent guest, Professor Johannes Zachhuber (Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford, UK), has been added to the St Andrew’s YouTube Channel.
2 August 2016
Ordination Recent graduate of the College, John Frangos, was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis on Sunday 31 July at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Paraskeve, St Albans (VIC).
1 August 2016
Lectures by Professor Johannes Zachhuber From Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 July, St Andrew’s was proud to host the internationally renowned patristics scholar, Professor Johannes Zachhuber (Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford, UK). Prof. Zachhuber has been adding to the prestige of the College over the past few years as a...
7 July 2016
New YouTube Video A video of the public lecture ‘“Dying to Live!” Becoming Human in the Early Church’ by the Very Revd Professor John Behr has been added to the St Andrew’s YouTube Channel. Click here to download the relevant handout.
