News & Events

28 May 2015
Adult Faith Education Open Learning St Andrew's is delighted to announce that it will offer its Adult Faith Education Open Learning for the third year in a row! This year's catechetical lectures will be on the topic 'Being Clothed with Christ'. On Saturday 27 June 2015, St Andrew's will present at St John's College, Preston, VIC....
22 May 2015
Guest Lecturer, Dr Guy Freeland On Thursday 21 May 2015, upon the invitation of Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache (Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies), Dr Guy Freeland (Honorary Member of the Faculty, former Senior Lecturer in Liturgical Studies and Scriptural Hermeneutics) delivered a lecture for the course unit T9685A Patristic...
19 May 2015
Public Lecture On Monday 18 May 2015, welcomed by the Revd Fr Agathangelos Masteas, Mr Mario Baghos (Associate Lecturer in Church History) delivered a presentation entitled 'The Early Church: Apology and Empire' for the Fellowship of the Greek Orthodox Parish of the Resurrection of Christ (Kogarah NSW).
19 May 2015
Graduation Events On Thursday 14 May 2015, the Thanksgiving Service for graduates of St Andrew’s Theological College was celebrated at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady Theotokos (Redfern NSW). The evening's proceedings began with a Doxological Service chanted by students, past and present. His Eminence...
16 May 2015
The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor St Andrew’s wishes to congratulate its very good friends from the Centre for Early Christian Studies (Australian Catholic University, Banyo, QLD), Professor Pauline Allen FAHA and Associate Professor Bronwen Neil FAHA, on the publication of The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor (Oxford...
12 May 2015
Public Lecture On Monday 11 May 2015, upon the invitation of College Chaplain, the Very Reverend Fr Sophronios Konidaris, Mr Mario Baghos (Associate Lecturer in Church History) delivered a presentation entitled 'The Early Church: Conversion and Martyrdom' for the Fellowship of the Greek Orthodox Parish of the...
12 May 2015
SCD Research Professional Development Day On Monday 11 May 2015, the Sydney College of Divinity organised its 'Research' Professional Development Day which focused on exploring pathways for funding research undertakings. Hosted by Professor James Harrison, Director of Research, the event was attended by representatives of the SCD's member...
7 May 2015
Round Table - 'Dialogue of Love: Breaking the Silence of Centuries' We are delighted to announce that a Round Table discussion between the Revd Dr John Chryssavgis (Theological Advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch, Founding Sub-Dean of St Andrew's) and the Revd Dr Gerard Kelly (President of the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Former Chair of the Faith and Unity...
4 May 2015
Professor Johannes Zachhuber to Visit in 2016! With great enthusiasm, St Andrew's announces that His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia (College Dean) gave His blessing for Professor Johannes Zachhuber (University of Oxford and Fellow of Trinity College, Great Britain) to lecture as a guest for the course unit, ‘The Rise of Christian...
4 May 2015
Public Lecture On Friday 1 May 2015, upon the invitation of College graduate, the Reverend Fr Athanasios Giatsios (BTh '06), Mr Mario Baghos (Associate Lecturer in Church History) delivered a presentation entitled 'Martyrdom in the Early Church: Insights for Contemporary Christians' for the Fellowship of the...
