News & Events

18 December 2017
Ordination College graduate, Fr Nektarios (MA, 2016), a monk of the Holy Monastery of the Mother of God ‘Pantanassa’ (NSW), was ordained to the holy presbytery by His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias on Saturday 16 December at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos in Redfern (...
16 October 2017
Ordination College graduate, Goran Jovcic (BTh, 1999), was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon on Sunday 15 October at the Greek Orthodox Church of St George in Thebarton (SA). Deacon Goran is a married clergyman and the son of the Very Rev. Protopresbyter-Stavrophor...
1 September 2017
Intensive Lectures Series in Patristics and Christian Ethics The College was honoured to host visiting scholars from overseas for three intensive lecture series. Fr John Behr delivered two distinct series of intensive lectures on the Early Church Fathers and on the subject of patristic anthropology from 10-20 August. Deacon Perry Hamalis, the Cecelia...
17 August 2017
Public Lecture by the Very Rev. Prof. John Behr The College was honoured to host a public lecture by Father John Behr on 16 August entitled ‘The Church: Our Mother “bearing from Her Heart the Word” to the World Today’. Father John is the Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary...
30 June 2017
Public Lecture by Revd Dr George Parsenios The College was honoured to host a public lecture by Father George L. Parsenios on 29 June entitled “St John Chrysostom and Jesus as the Adaptable Good Shepherd in the Fourth Gospel”. Father George is Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary (New Jersey), and Sessional...
16 February 2017
Valedictions On 27 January, St Andrew’s received notice from Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache, Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies, that he would be resigning from the Teaching Faculty of St Andrew’s before the commencement of Semester 1. Fr Doru has worked at the Theological College since 2005, initially on...
18 January 2017
Elevation to Oikonomos On Tuesday 17 January, College graduate Fr Sotirios Papafilopoulos (BTh '03) was elevated to the office of Oikonomos by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia (College Dean) at the Greek Orthodox Cemetery Church of St Athanasios (Rookwood Cemetery, NSW) during the Service of Great Vespers....
29 December 2016
Elevation to Oikonomos On Monday 26 December, College graduate Fr Stavros Ivanos (BTh '04) was elevated to the office of Oikonomos by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia (College Dean) at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Stephanos (Hurlstone Park, NSW) during the Service of Great Vespers. Fr Stavros has served...
29 November 2016
Ordination Recent graduate of the College, Nick Georgiou (BTh, 2016), was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia on Saturday 26 November at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Eustathios, South Melbourne (VIC).
3 November 2016
Upcoming Adult Faith Education Open Learning Seminar On Saturday 5 November, St Andrew's will deliver a series of catechetical lectures on the topic 'The Sacredness of Marriage' at St John's College, Preston (VIC), as part of its Adult Faith Education Open Learning (offered to the public for the fourth year in a row). For more details, see the...
