News & Events

6 June 2019
2019 Patterson Triennial Conference, Fordham University (New York) St Andrew’s was recently represented by Dr Philip Kariatlis at the 2019 Patterson Triennial Conference at Fordham University (New York) which took place from 3-5 June. The conference was organised by the Orthodox Christian Studies Centre of Fordham University, the co-directors of whom are...
4 June 2019
Third Halki Summit His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew recently hosted the 3rd Halki Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, from 31 May to 3 June. Amongst the fifty delegates from more than forty religious institutions, St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College was also represented by Mr Basilios Psilacos...
10 May 2019
Our New Archbishop of Australia St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College joyfully welcomed the news of the election by the Holy Synod of our Ecumenical Patriarchate on 9 May 2019 of Bishop Makarios (Griniezakis) of Christoupolis as our new Archbishop of Australia. Born in Heraklion, Crete, in 1973, he studied at the...
30 March 2019
Eulogy for the late Archbishop Stylianos Eulogy for the late Archbishop Stylianos by Dr Philip Kariatlis (Academic Director, Senior Lecturer in Theology) on behalf of St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College. Listen to the eulogy here.
26 March 2019
Our College Dean, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia, reposes in the Lord IN MEMORIAM Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis) of Australia, Founding Dean, St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College (1935 – 2019). With deep sadness, but with unfailing hope in the Resurrection, we announce the repose in the Lord of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia, of thrice...
18 March 2019
Ordination On Sunday 17 March, College graduate, Michel Nahas (BTh, 2017) was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios (Kodseie) of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines at St George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Redfern (NSW). He was...
8 March 2019
2019 THEOLOGY SYMPOSIUM - CALL FOR PAPERS The Symposium Planning Committee is pleased to invite all those interested in presenting a paper at the 2019 St Andrew’s Third Theology Symposium, 'The Importance of Christology for the 21st Century', to submit the title of their proposed presentation, together with an abstract of 250-300 words by...
8 March 2019
Autumn Residential School Program for Distance Students The College welcomed a number of its distance education students to the Redfern campus this week for the residential school program. These students took the opportunity to experience the campus and meet with their lecturers and with their fellow students. Pictured here are students attending the...
5 March 2019
Doxology Services to Mark the Commencement of the New Academic Year [Group photo following the Doxology Service in Redfern] St Andrew’s Theological College commenced its thirty-fourth academic year with its traditional annual Doxology Service in the Chapel of St John the Evangelist and Theologian, but also with a Doxology Service at the Holy Monastery of ‘Axion...
18 February 2019
Ordination On Sunday 17 February, Faculty member and College graduate, Anthony Papantoniou (BTh, 2001, MTh, 2001, MTh Hons, 2008) was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (NSW). He was also bestowed with...
