News & Events

3 June 2024
Constantinople 1453: Beginning or End?
Our Faculty Member, Dr Andrew Mellas, recently participated in the ‘Byzantine Month’ at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Resurrection (Kogarah) on ‘The Legacy of Byzantium: Theology, Hellenism and Civilisation’. On 9 May, Dr Mellas delivered a guest lecture exploring the reception of Alexander the...
22 March 2024
Public Lecture on Sunday of Orthodoxy
As part of the Lenten Series of Talks at Our Lady of Myrtles (Kogarah) Fellowship, on 21 March 2024, our Faculty Member, Dr Andrew Mellas, presented a reflection and led a discussion on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Dr Mellas reflected on the tumultuous period of Iconoclasm in Byzantium and the crisis...
20 March 2024
Public Lecture
The Byzantine Music School of Australia, founded under the leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, recently held it’s First National Conference for Teachers, Students and Chanters, where Mr Basilios Psilacos made a presentation via zoom titled "A Personal Reflection on...
19 March 2024
Public Lecture
On Sunday 17 March, on Cheesefare Sunday, Assoc. Prof. Philip Kariatlis, Sub-Dean of our College gave a talk at the Orthodox Café at the Parish of St Stylianos Gymea entitled, “Forgiveness, Fasting and Philanthropy—Our Means of Ascent Towards the Crucified and Risen Christ.”
15 March 2024
Resolutions in relation to the Recent Granting of an Eparchial Synod for the Church in Australia
The Faculty of St Andrew’s Unanimously Passed Three Resolutions in relation to the Recent Granting of an Eparchial Synod for the Church in Australia. At their Academic Board meeting today—Thursday 14th March, 2024—the Faculty of St Andrew’s unanimously passed three resolutions which expressed...
11 March 2024
Occasional Lecture
Occasional Lecture delivered to Students of St Andrew’s Theological College to Mark the Recent Historic Decision of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to Grant the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia the Right to be Governed by an EPARCHIAL SYNOD On Friday 8...
29 November 2023
St Andrew's Open Day via ZOOM
On Tuesday 28 November, St Andrew’s hosted a second ‘Open Day’ event, this time via Zoom in order to welcome prospective students from around Australia and abroad. About 25 potential applicants joined faculty, current students and alumni for an introduction to the study of theology and course...

Dean's Welcome

“Come O faithful, let us labour with zeal for Christ our God”

I take this opportunity to welcome all those who may be exploring possibilities for studying at St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College.

Studying at the College will pave the way for many opportunities: whether you are considering ordination to the priesthood or various types of lay diakonia, within the Church, for the building up of Christ’s body, you are most warmly invited to “come and see.” more

2023 Theology Symposium

For the Life of the World: The Church's Missional Identity and Witness Today

With the blessing of our College Dean, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Fourth Theology Symposium was held at St Andrew's on the 18-19th August, 2023.

This year’s theology symposium sought to explore what is meant by the mission of the Church in the twenty-first century... read more



St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College is a Member of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD). The SCD is accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Australian University College on the National Register for Providers and Courses. It is registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS Provider: 02948J). It is approved by the Commonwealth for FEE-HELP loans to eligible students.

Financial Aid and scholarships

Most students are eligible for...

The FEE-HELP federal government loan scheme is available as a means of paying for your tuition. It may assist eligible students to pay for all or...

Current and prospective church volunteers (e.g. Scripture Teachers, Sunday School Teachers, Parish Committee, Ladies Auxiliary, Chaplaincy...