News & Events

24 March 2025
Residential Student Formation Program
As part of the Formation Program, first year Bachelor of Theology students had the opportunity to visit St Basil’s Homes in Randwick on Friday morning, 21 March 2025. On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, they were received by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis, the Chaplain of St...
17 March 2025
On Sunday 16 March, the Sunday of St Gregory Palamas, College Masters student Clovus Haddad was ordained to the holy diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, in St George Cathedral (Thornbury, VIC). Upon...
3 March 2025
Graduation Doxology for St Andrew’s Theological College in Sydney
On Friday, 28 February, at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady in Sydney, a Doxology Service was celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, upon the graduation of the students of Saint Andrew’s Theological College. During the moving service, the Archbishop also...
27 February 2025
Opening Doxology for St Andrew's Theological College Sydney
On Wednesday, 26 February, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, officiated at the Doxology Service for the beginning of the new academic year at Saint Andrew’s Theological College in Sydney. As this Service marked the 40th year of the Theological College, which is the pride and...
24 February 2025
5th Theology Symposium: Call for Papers
CALL FOR PAPERS We invite proposals for 20-minute papers addressing topics on the theme of the Symposium (there will be an additional 10 minute allocation for Q & A) St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney College of Divinity: an Australian University College) in...
9 December 2024
College Representation at the QLD State Youth Conference
The Queensland State Youth Conference took place on Saturday, 7 December 2024, at the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Mt Gravatt, Brisbane. The event brought together over 250 participants, highlighting the enthusiasm and commitment of the youth within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of...
5 December 2024
St Andrew's Course Information Session via ZOOM
On Wednesday 4 December, St Andrew’s hosted a Course Information Session via Zoom in order to welcome prospective students from around Australia and abroad. Around 30 potential applicants joined faculty, current students and alumni for an introduction to the study of theology and course options...

Call for papers: 2025 Symposium


We invite proposals for 20-minute papers addressing topics on the theme of the Symposium.



Dean's Welcome

“Come O faithful, let us labour with zeal for Christ our God”

I take this opportunity to welcome all those who may be exploring possibilities for studying at St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College.

Studying at the College will pave the way for many opportunities: whether you are considering ordination to the priesthood or various types of lay diakonia, within the Church, for the building up of Christ’s body, you are most warmly invited to “come and see.” more

Theology & Life: Faculty Reflections

Dear Friends of St Andrew's,

By subscribing to our blog, you will receive articles written by our Faculty for the edification of all those seeking to learn more about the Orthodox Christian faith—her teachings for example, as these have been revealed in the Scriptures and in the Church’s doctrine; her history throughout the centuries; her services and sacraments; her Fathers and saints etc, all with the ultimate aim of helping to deepen our relationship with our Lord.



St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College is a Member of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD). The SCD is accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Australian University College on the National Register for Providers and Courses. It is registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS Provider: 02948J). It is approved by the Commonwealth for FEE-HELP loans to eligible students.

Financial Aid and scholarships

Most students are eligible for...

The FEE-HELP federal government loan scheme is available as a means of paying for your tuition. It may assist eligible students to pay for all or...

Current and prospective church volunteers (e.g. Scripture Teachers, Sunday School Teachers, Parish Committee, Ladies Auxiliary, Chaplaincy...