Phronema Volume 3, 1988

Phronema Volume 3, 1988

Editor, Dr Guy Freeland

Editorial 2

Dangers of Idealism in Theology and Spirituality, Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis)

How we Arrive at Moral Judgments: An Orthodox Perspective, Georgios Manztaridis 11
Sources of Patristic Theology, John Chryssavgis  21
The Valentinian Gnostic Interpretative and Exegetical Processes: The Case of Ptolemy's Exegesis of the Johannine Prologue, Themistocles Adamopoulo 31
Mount Athos: Its Significance in the Musical Tradition of Byzantium, Dimitri Conomos 49
Reports  61-69
Essay Review 71
Book Reviews 81
The College 83
Our Contributors 87