His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos

Staff Position: 
+ Dean and Professor in Theology (1986-2019)

His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis) (b. 29 December 1935) was primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia from April 1975 until his repose in the Lord on 25 March 2019, and Founding Dean of St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney, from its establishment in 1986 until his repose. He lectured in Systematic Theology from 1986-2008 after which time he retired from teaching duties. He was also a recognized essayist and poet, having published more than 40 collections of poetry (all of these in Greek and some translated bilingual editions). For his outstanding contribution to European culture, he received the prestigious international award Gottfried von Herder in Vienna, 1973. Then, in 1980, having been nominated by the renowned writer Pantelis Prevelakis, Archbishop Stylianos received the Award for Poetry from the Academy of Athens. The University of Lublin, Poland, conferred on him an honorary doctorate (1985), while the Sydney College of Divinity awarded him its first ever honorary doctorate (2001). In 2005, he was acknowledged as a Professor by an independent academic panel of the Sydney College of Divinity. Apart from having consistently contributed to St Andrew's academic journal, Phronema, since its inception, His Eminence also wrote extensively for the two main publications of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, the VEMA and the Voice of Orthodoxy.

Academic Classification: Professor, HonThD (SCD, 2001), HonD (Lublin, 1985), DD (Athens, 1965), BD (Chalki, 1958)


Pentzikis: Hereafter and Herein. Quebec: Alexander Press, 2003. 

In Obedience of Faith [in Greek]. Athens: Armos, 2002.

On Prayer [Greek-English]. Athens: Armos, 1999. 

The Present and Future [in Greek]. Athens: Domos, 1999. 

The New Erotokritos of P. Prevelakis [in Greek]. Athens: 1997. 

Incarnations of Dogma [in Greek]. Athens: Domos, 1996. 

In the Margin of Dialogue [in Greek]. Athens, 1991.

The Orthodox Church and Catholicism. Translated into English by Harry L. Simmons. Sydney: Australian Council of Churches, 1980.

Orthodoxe Kirche und Katholizismus. Ähnliches und Verschiedenes. München: 1975. 

The Fourth General Assembly of the World Council of Church [in Greek]. Thessalonica, 1969. 

The Constitution on the Church of the Vatican II Council [in Greek]. Thessalonica, 1969. 

The Infallibility of the Church in Orthodox Theology [in Greek]. Athens, 1965.

The Gnoseology of St Maximus the Confessor [in Greek], Chalke, 1958.

Creative Works

Σπαράγματα. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος,  2012.

Ἡ Χαμένη Πανοπλία. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2011.

Ἐπιφωνήματα. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2010. 

Παίδων καί Ἐφήβων. Ἀθήνα: Καστανιώτη, 2009. 

Πικραμύγδαλα. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2009.  

Ἄχρονες Ὧρες. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2008.  

Θολὰ Ποτάμια. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2007.  

Σκεύη Κεραμέως. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2006.  

Σπηλαιώδη Τοπία. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2005. 

Mother: A Moving Reflection of God, trans. Peter Constantine. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2005.  

Ἐν Αἰνίγματι καὶ Ἐν Ἐσόπτρω. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2004.  

Οἱ Πρῶτες Ὕλες. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2003 

Australian Passport, trans. Vrasidas Karalis. Sydney: Brandl & Schlesinger, 2002. 

Νεροσυρμή. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2002.  

Ὁ Βαθμός τῆς Ἐκπλήξεως. Ἀθήνα: Καστανιώτη, 2001.  

Ἡ Δομὴ τῶν Κρυστάλλων. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2001. 

Ὄμβρια Ὕδατα. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 2000.  

Λιτανεία Χρωμάτων. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1999.  

Ἐπιφυλάξεις. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1998.  

Μετρητὲς Ἀλγηδόνες. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1997.  

Τὸ Ἄλγος τῆς Παρρησίας. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1996

Τεφρὲς Ακτὲς. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1995

Fireworks and Sparrows, trans. Vrasidas Karalis. Sydney: Primavera, 1994.

Ὑγρὰ Τοπία. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1994.

Σπασμένοι Συνειρμοὶ. Ἀθήνα: Δόμος, 1993.

Ἐν Γῇ Ἀλλοτρίᾳ ΙΙΙ. Ἀθήνα: Ἑρμής, 1996.

         - Στὴ Δοκιμὴ τοῦ φέγγους. 1992.

         - Ἡ Ἄλλη Ἐκδοχή. 1991.

         - Νοσταλγία Παραμέτρων. 1990.

         - Διάκριση Πνευμάτων. 1989.

         - Χέρια Σκιᾶς. 1988.

Ἐν Γῇ Ἀλλοτρίᾳ ΙΙ. Ἀθήνα: Ἑρμής, 1990.

         - Πορτραῖτα τοῦ Νεροῦ. 1987.

         - Ἡ Ἄμυνα τῶν Νηπίων. 1986.

         - Μεροληψίες. 1985.

         - Τροπικὰ Ἰδιόμελα. 1984.

         - Ἡ Οἰκειότητα τῶν Αἰνιγμάτων. 1983.

Ἐν Γῇ Ἀλλοτρίᾳ Ι. Ἀθήνα: Ἑρμής, 1985.

         - Ἀπαράκλητοι Καιροί. 1982.

         - Εἰς Ὧτα Ἀκουόντων. 1981.

         - Ἀπὸ Φυλακῆς Πρωίας. 1980.

         - Παραλήρημα τοῦ Νότου. 1979.

         - Χῶμα καὶ Στάχτη. 1978.

Chapters in Books 

'Poetry and Dogma in the Work of St Andrew of Crete', in O Agios Andreas Archiepiskopos Kretes O Ierosolymites Poliouchos Eresou Lesbou [in Greek], Mytilene, 2005.

'The Place as Factor in the Mystery of Salvation', [in Greek], in Epistemonike Parousia Estias Theologon Chalkes, vol. 5, Athens, 2002.

'Prologue', in God's Struggler: Religion in the Writings of Nikos Kazantzakis (Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1996).

'Natur und Gnade im liturgischen Verständnis der Orthodoxie' in Mysterium und Gnade, Festschrift für J. Auer, Regensburg: 1975: 160-174. Later published in English as 'Nature and Grace in the Liturgical Conscience of Orthodoxy', Phronema 6 (1991): 5-17.

'Patriarch Athenagoras and Inter-Orthodox Relations' [in Greek], in Athenagoras Oikoumenikos Patriarches o Epeirotes, Ioannina, 1975.

'Das Athonitische Mönchtum' in Festschrift für B. Laourdas, Thessaloniki: 1975: 313-321.

'Die Orthodoxe Kirche und die ökumenische Bewegung', in Ökumenische Kirchen Geschichte 3, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1974, 359-366.

'Die ekklesiologische Bedeutung von Taufe und Firmung' in E. Suttner (Hg.), Taufe und Firmung, 2. Regensburger Symposion, Regensburg 1971: 73-89.

'Die Heilige Eucharistie in orthodoxer Sicht' in Th. Sartory (Hg), Die Eucharistie im Verständnis der Konfessionen, Recklinghausen, 1961: 192-188.

Articles in Refereed Journals 

'The Resurrected Christ and the Church'Phronema 27:1 (2012): 1-18.

'Gregory the Theologian - A Spiritual Portrait'Phronema 26:2 (2011): 1-10.

'The Religious Dimension in the National Language of the Greeks'Phronema 26:1 (2011): 1-7.

‘The Undermining of the Synodal Institution’Phronema 24 (2009): 1-18.

‘Synod and “Synodality'Phronema 23 (2008): 1-10.

‘The Responsibility of Youth in Modern Society’Phronema 22 (2007): 1-8.

‘Theology as the Language of the Eighth Day’Phronema 21 (2006): 1-14.

'Priorities in True Culture', Phronema 20 (2005): 1-7.

'Commemoration in Orthodox Worship and Life'Phronema 19 (2004): 1-22. The original Greek appeared in Synaxis 92 (Oct-Dec): 38-54.

'The Misfortune of the Official Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholics', first published in Greek in the Academic Journal of the Aristotelian University of Thessalonica, and also in Phronema 18 (2003): 1-27.

'Theology and Aesthetics'Phronema 17 (2002): 1-13.

'The Dogmatic Foundations of Christian Identity'Phronema 16 (2001): 1-11.

'The Fear of God as an Integrating Factor of Education and Spiritual Progress'Phronema 16 (2001): 27-31.

'Xenos and philoxenia in Greek Orthodox Tradition'Phronema 15 (2000): 3-14.

'Audiatur Et Altera Pars'Phronema 14 (1999): 2-4.

'Faith – a Power Beyond the Human'Phronema 13 (1998): 1-15. The Greek can be found in The Greek Orthodox Youth of Australia in Dialogue, vol. 7 (2002), 15-25. The Greek appeared in The Greek Orthodox Youth of Australia in Dialogue, vol. 5 (Melbourne, 1995), 18-25.

'Memory of Metropolitan Iakovos of Iconium' [in Greek], Ekklesia (1995): 154-157.

'Dogma and Authority in the Church'Phronema 12 (1997): 8-23. Originally appearing in Greek in Epistemonike Parousia Estias Theologon Chalkes, vol. 4. Athens, 1997.

'The Mystery of Person and Human Adventure'Phronema 11 (1996): 6-20.

'The Positives and Negatives of Orthodoxy in the New World'Phronema 10 (1995): 5-22. First appeared in Greek in Epistemonike Parousia Estias Theologon Chalkes, vol. 3, 1994.

'The Ethos of Halki', [in Greek] Kleronomia 26 (1994): 105-120.

'Grace and Glory', Sourozh 56 (1994): 17-20.

'A Comment on the Papal Encyclical Orientale Lumen'Phronema 10 (1995): 51-60. Originally appeared in Greek in Ekklesia 72 (1995): 404-405, 447-449 and 487-490.

'Secular values and Christian Ethics', Phronema 9 (1994): 7-17.

'The Importance of Greek Culture for Australian Society'Phronema 8 (1993): 1-13.

'Physical and Spiritual Fathers'Phronema 7 (1992): 5-12.

‘Nature and Grace in the Liturgical Conscience of Orthodoxy’Phronema 6 (1991): 5-20.

'The Sacredness of Creation'Phronema 5 (1990): 5-13.

'The Icon in Orthodox Spirituality'Phronema 4 (1989): 5-13.

'Der Offizielle Dialog zwischen der Römischkatholischen und der Orthodoxen Kirche', Orthodoxes Forum 2.3 (1989): 149-164.

'The Theological Dialogue Between the Orthodox and Roman Catholics: Problems and Prospects' [in Greek], in Aristoteleio Panepistemio Thessalonikes Epistemonike Epeterida Theologikes Scholes 29 (1988): 9-31.

'Dangers of Idealism in Theology and Spirituality'Phronema 3 (1988): 3-10.

'The Kenotic Character of Theology as Ultimate Glorification of God and Man'Phronema 2 (1987): 3-14.

'The Place of Tradition in the Christian Faith'Phronema 1 (1986): 7-17.

'Faith and Culture', in Armos (1985): 2015-2021.

'The principal presuppositions and consequences of the Creed', in Mémorial du Saint Concile oecuménique (Constantinople 381) (Konstantinopel 1983): 267-276.

'Eine Reihe von theologischen Arikeln in der Monatsschrift', Voice of Orthodoxy Sydney: 1979.

'The Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Movement', Australian Catholic Record 54:2 (1977): 107-118.

'Mönchtum und Spiritualität', Internationale katholische Zeitschrift 4 (1974): 326-333.

'Die Entwicklung der Ekklesiologie in der neueren griechisch-orthodoxen Theologie', Catholica 28 (1974): 1-12.

'Die Einheit der Kirche als Auftragsmöglichkeit heute', Kleronomia 6 (1974): 153-168.

'Le Saint-Esprit comme Interprète de l' Evangile et Donateur de vie de l' Eglise contemporaine', in Message de l'Exarchat du Patriarche russe en Europe occidentale, 1972, Nr. 78/79: 121-135 & in English in 'The Holy Spirit as Interpreter and Life-Giver', Sobornost 6 (1973) 7: 459-470.

'Het tweede Vaticaans Concilie naar orthodoxe opvatting', Het Christelijk Oosten, 25 (1973): 95-111.

'De leer van de Kerk in de moderne grieks-orthodoxe theologie', Het Christelijk Oosten, 24 (1972): 225-236.

'Der auferstandene Christus und die Kirche', Kleronomia 4 (1972): 1-20.

'Kann ein Petrusdienst in der Kirche einen Sinn haben? Griechisch-orthodoxe Antwort', Concilium 7 (1971): 284-286.

'Die Stellung des Kaisers in der byzantinischen Geistigkeit, dogmatisch gesehen', Byzantina 3 (1971): 45-52.

'The Relationship between Theological and Aesthetical Categories in St John's Revelation', Nea Poreia (1970): 133-142.

'Die Trinitätslehre Gregors von Nazianz', in Kleronomia 1 (1969): 83-102.

'Religion and Art', Nea Poreia (1969):191-200.

'The Ecclesiology of Vatican II: An Orthodox Summary', Diakonia 2 (1967): 233-249.

'Ökumenischer Dialog nach dem Konzil', Una Sancta 21 (1966): 231-232.

'Toleranz im säkularen und im christlichen Sinne', Kerygma und Dogma 12 (1966): 63-76.

'Über die gegenwärtige Situation der orthodoxen Kirche', Kyrios 6 (1966): 227-239.

'Die Heilige Eucharistie in Orthodoxer Sicht', Die Eucharistie im Verständnis der Konfessionen (1961): 172-188.

'Die Orthodoxe Kirche und das Soziale Problem', Hellas (1961): 18-26.

Book Reviews in Refereed Journals 

'On the Problem of the Teaching Authority in the Church' (Critical Review on H.Küng's book Infallible?), Kleronomia 3(1971): 95-110.

Conferences Attended 

St Gregory of Nyssa, St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium. SAGOTC Redfern, NSW; 31 August – 28 September, 2011.

St Gregory the Theologian or The Theology of Poetry, St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium, SAGOTC Redfern, NSW; 1 September – 6 October, 2010.

St Basil the Great: History, Theology and Perennial Significance, St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium, SAGOTC Redfern, NSW; 2 September – 7 October, 2009.

Theodicy and Eschatology, Australian Theological Forum, 2003.

International Symposium on Theology and Aesthetics, Sydney University; 2002.

National Youth Conferences (1st – 8th), 1982-2001.

State Youth Conferences (1st – 8th), 1983-2001.

Annual Lecture to mark the anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, Sydney; May, 1998-2006.

Conference Papers 

‘Spiritual Portrait of St Gregory the Theologian’ St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium 2010 (SAGOTC, Redfern NSW; 1 September, 2010) 

‘Short Introductory Remarks on St Basil the Great’ St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium 2009 (SAGOTC, Redfern NSW; 2 September, 2009)

'The Mystery of Person in Human Adventure' 1st Greek Australian Cultural Forum, Sydney, 2005.

'Theology and Eschatology: An Orthodox Fundamental Viewpoint', Australian Theological Forum, Melbourne, 2003.

'Poetry and Dogma in the writings of St Andrew of Crete', paper, Greece, May, 2003.

'The Word of God and the Word of Man', inaugural lecture, International Symbosium on Theology and Aesthetics, Sydney, May, 2002.

'The Dogmatic Foundation of Christian Identity', 8th National Youth Conference, Melbourne, 2001.

'Xenos and Philoxenia in Greek Orthodox Tradition', 2nd Greek Australian Cultural Forum, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, 2000.

Participation in Church, Government and Industry Bodies

Primate, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, 1975-2019.